Thursday, April 10, 2008


WHO KNEW I liked green so much???

Winter is ending…and spring has sprung!

Grassy clumps are creating great playgrounds for cats and bugs and birds and things and clouds are busy playing “hide and seek”, “chase” and making funny shapes in the sky.

I start each day in a sweater or robe only to shed it in the afternoon sun…and then hunt it down again as shadows fall.

Winter is ending…and spring has sprung!

Nights are for cuddling on the couch with my love while the cats keep an eye out, pretending to join us till the lights go out.

When the sun comes up, the sun’s bright rays show buds on the trees, promising leaves and fruit and shade and nesting places for the birds and squirrels who live in our glen, who eat from our feeders and drink and bathe in our baths.

Winter is ending…and spring has sprung!

Ahhh, spring! I’m lovin’ the green and happy to say “farewell to winter’s brown.” It’s as if green is a musical note and I have found a corresponding note in me!

Even the blue of the sky seems bluer than before, showing off the white clouds rushing by on their way to impress some other hopeful soul in need of inspiration.

Winter is ending…and spring has sprung!

I understand spring happens at this time every year but somehow it seems new this year and I feel like a “spring virgin” who is seeing and experiencing it all for the very first time.

It’s time to shed the slippers and go barefoot in the grass, playing peek-a-boo and chase with the cats, BBQ and drink iced tea, grab a good book and sit in the swing, saying “Hello!” to spring!