Monday, January 8, 2007

Where is the excellence?

I am sad tonight as I think about how disappointed I am with people in general. It's kind of a cumulative sadness...

You see, I've been noticing that people are getting harder to reach. The biggest thing is how often I smile at others but they don't smile back. I walk into their business and they hardly acknowledge me. I watch them pull out in front of me as if I don't exist. I say, "Excuse me" when I'm passing them in the aisle and I may be in their way but they don't even acknowledge that I said anything. I let them go ahead of me either walking, shopping or driving and they don't even act like they notice that someone just did something nice.

I went to a temp agency on Friday and was amazed that even there, I saw apathy and a lack of caring. Then, I went on a job interview today and saw a tired, bored bunch of people. The owner's wife walked through a few times and never even acknowledged someone was in the room. The office manager never smiled and the owner couldn't even articulate what they were all about and never did get around to saying what the job entailed or how much it paid. The clincher of it all is that this is a Christian ministry.

Okay, to be fair, I've met quite a few passionate and friendly people at church, recently. And as impressed I am with them, I am discouraged at what a minority we are.

I wish I had a voice. Well, I wish I had a vehicle that gave me a BIG VOICE so that I could get the message out reminding Christians of WHO we ARE, how much we have to be thankful for and what we are called to be doing!

There's an old song that said, "You're the only Jesus some will ever see. You're the only words of life some will ever read. So let them see in you the One in Whom is all they'll ever need cause you're the only Jesus some will ever see."

Sadly, a good majority of Christians are only "Sunday Christians". They haven't figured out that we've been bought at great price and our lives are no longer our own, but HIS. They haven't figured out that He is all they'll ever need or that He wants to be in relationship with them 24/7 and a part of everything they do. Consequently, people never get to see in them things that would make THEM want to become Christians. The only people who get to see their "Christian side" are already in church while the rest of "the world" only sees their "worldly side" and there's nothing special about that so they wonder, "What's the big deal about being a Christian if there's no difference in 'us' and 'them'?"

You see, I'm not a "great Christian leader" and will never have a following...and that's okay by me...and I have no ... and I mean NO reason to boast but I must tell you that one of the things I am most grateful for is that I "get it". I realize that even if people don't know I'm a Christian, they may discover it at some time so that means I always have a responsibility to be a good witness of how God can change a person's life. I realize that when I smile at them, I'm showing that God smiles at them. When I take the time to listen (which I'll admit, is RARE! Hahaha!) it is as if I am reminding them that God is listening and finds them worthy of His time. When I allow them to go in front of me in line, I remind them that there is still kindness in this world...and God is the source of that kindness.

My actions tell people, "You matter." In a world where we're all consumed with so many details and stressed to the max, where we feel invisible to others, where we feel like a tiny piece of sand on a great big beach, my smile or kind gesture, my patience, my time, lending an ear, writing an email (sorry, not a forward), will sometimes be understood for what it often way of saying, "I care because God cares."

It's true, you know. You are special...we are God! He came down...did you hear that?...HE came the form of Jesus to suffer not only on the cross but 9 months in the womb and 33 years of having to be weak and poor and despised and rejected and beaten, killed and who knows what all else, so that WE could come into His presence with joy! He had to live every minute of every one of the days of his life without sinning! Now, THAT'S SACRIFICE!!! That's LOVE! His blood covers our sins so that we can enter into HIS HOLY PRESENCE! Now, WE can be in constant companionship with THE GOD WHO CREATED THE UNIVERSE! He CHOSE us! WE didn't choose HIM! We only "get it" because He revealed it TO us! In His death, He has made provision for meeting our every need here on earth and someday soon we will join Him in Heaven to LIVE there WITH HIM!

HELLOOoooO! Are you out of your seat, yet? Can I get an, "AMEN!"? I mean, let's face it...what did YOU exchange for His amazing gifts of salvation and provision? What do you think He wanted YOU to get out of all this? Just a free ticket to Heaven? Could that really have been all it was about? It doesn't make SENSE for it to just be about Heaven! It doesn't make sense for it to be about going to church on Sunday!

I know that I could never articulate here just how much or in how many ways we benefit on a daily basis...and I know there's no way we can ever repay it! I only know I want to bless Him with my attitudes and actions every day. I believe He has a part for me to play in drawing others to Him and ministering to their needs from time to time. I believe that no matter how bad things get, God has made a way out and He will work it out to His children's good and to His glory...and if I LET Him, I get to see Him do it! I have seen it so I know it's true!

Well, that's what I'd tell Christians if I had a BIG VOICE and an opportunity. Until then, I guess I'd better get to praying for them...for us all! 'Cause no matter how much I "get it"...I still "miss Him" all the time. I'm working on it...

PBPGINFWMY...Please be patient...God is not finished with me, yet! I am a work in progress! I have not arrived but I am on my way! Or as one of my favorite book titles puts it, "I am not...but I know I AM!" It's a fantastic book by Louie Giglio, by the way. I highly recommend it!

And with that, I'll say, "Goodnight!...and God Bless!" ; )